
Fact-Checking the Presidential Candidates on Abortion, ...

This year’s first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former pre...

Presidential Debate’s Climate Change Question Contrasts...

During the first presidential debate, Biden alluded to the Inflation Reduction A...

Societies with Little Money Are among the Happiest on E...

Wealth and well-being go together in many studies, but certain communities compl...

Misinformation Experts ‘Vindicated’ by Supreme Court Ru...

A recent Supreme Court decision rules that the U.S. government can talk to scien...

Life Experiences May Shape the Activity of the Brain’s ...

Mitochondria appear to ratchet up their activity when life is going well and tam...

How Researchers Live and Work Onboard an Icebreaker in ...

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how researchers live and work on a U.S. icebreak...

The Face on Mars and Other Cases of Cosmic Pareidolia

The human brain loves seeing patterns, even when they aren’t really there

Family Files Claim against NASA after Space Junk Crashe...

Florida family files claim against NASA to compensate them after space debris cr...

The Supreme Court’s Idaho Decision Lets Me Keep Saving ...

In its decision in Idaho v. U.S. the Supreme Court has decided to uphold the abi...

How Delicate Comb Jellies Withstand Ocean Depths But Me...

Scientists finally know how a gelatinous deep-sea creature keeps its cells from ...

SpaceX Wins $843-Million NASA Contract to Destroy the I...

The world will be watching—literally—as SpaceX tackles possibly what might be it...

The Remarkable Life of Chemistry Professor and Crime Bu...

This chemistry professor helped police around the world solve arsons and homicides

Ancient Egyptian Scribes Suffered Back Pain, Too

The skeletons of scribes from ancient Egypt show deterioration from sitting and ...

Supreme Court Allows Emergency Abortions in Idaho—For Now

A Supreme Court decision allows emergency abortion care despite a state ban in I...

How Older People Can Stay Safe from Fraud and Scams

Older people are increasingly becoming the targets of fraudsters. Here’s how to ...

JWST’s ‘Little Red Dots’ Offer Astronomers the Universe...

The James Webb Space Telescope’s search for the earliest stars and black holes h...

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