
Tyler Parsotan Takes a Long Look at the Transient Unive...

Through a nonlinear path to success, research astrophysicist Tyler Parsotan disc...

Review: How Henrietta Leavitt and the ‘Harvard Computer...

A new biography of astronomer Henrietta Leavitt celebrates meaning making in sci...

Voting Is Just the Beginning

Your vote matters. But so does your involvement in civic actions

September 2024: Science History from 50, 100 and 150 Ye...

Mysterious Mercury; spiders predict the weather

How Did Dinosaurs See, Smell, Hear and Move?

New fossils and analytical tools provide unprecedented insights into dinosaur se...

Many Older People Maintain and Even Gain Cognitive Skills

Contrary to stereotypes of the doddering elderly, research shows that half of pe...

Do Space and Time Follow Quantum Rules? These Mind-Bend...

Proposed experiments will search for signs that spacetime is quantum and can exi...

Review: In Toward Eternity, People Merge with AI but Cl...

A sweeping novel about a war-torn future explores personhood and identity

Find the Next Digits in the Sequence in This Math Puzzle

Can you find the pattern behind this progression of digits?

Review: ‘Third-Ear Listening’ Is the Secret to Perceivi...

A new book about the art and science of listening explores our sonic universe

Readers Respond to the April 2024 Issue

Letters to the editors for the April 2024 issue of Scientific American

AI could help shrinking pool of coders keep outdated pr...

Computer code dating back to the 1960s is still vital to banks, airlines and gov...

Hubble Examines a Possible Relic

This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image captures the dwarf irregular galaxy UGC 4...

Sols 4280-4281: Last Call at Kings Canyon

Earth planning date: Monday, Aug. 19, 2024 Curiosity successfully completed the ...

Entrepreneurs Challenge Prize Winner Uses Artificial In...

The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) instituted the Entrepreneurs Challeng...

Watch the Blue Supermoon Rise Tonight

August’s supermoon will be the first of four supermoons in a row

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