Last seen: 21 days ago

ScienceX Information Network (SIN) | ScienceX Innovations

Member since Jun 15, 2023

Loss of smell may be an early sign of Alzheimer's in at...

People who carry a genetic variant that raises the risk of Alzheimer's disease m...

Intermittent fasting could boost immunity in addition t...

Immune cells are more effective at fending off pathogens when they use ketones –...

Women may age fastest during their 30s and 50s

A woman may be most likely to give birth in her 30s and go through the menopause...

Rats have a 'laugh centre' in their brains that respond...

A region of the midbrain in rodents appears to be instrumental in enabling rats ...

Helium in Distant Galaxies May Help Explain Why the Uni...

New measurements from Japan’s Subaru telescope have helped researchers study the...

NASA Invites Media to See Recovery Craft for Artemis Mo...

Media are invited to see the new test version of NASA’s Orion spacecraft and the...

Mathematicians find 27 tickets that guarantee UK Nation...

Buying a specific set of 27 tickets for the UK National Lottery will mathematica...

Distracted Driving Is More Dangerous Than People Realiz...

Multitasking can occupy attention longer than people anticipate  

Nitrogen Bases in DNA and RNA found in meteorites from ...

Meteorites that fell to Earth in the last century contain nucleobases, the build...

What's the Faintest Star You Can See in the Sky?

The “magnitude scale” for measuring stellar brightness also reveals the limits o...

These are the five most shocking climate records this week

From "hot tub" sea temperatures in Florida to wildfires across Greek islands, we...

$1 Million Will Go to the Mathematician Who Busts the '...

The founder of a Japanese media company has offered a large cash prize to anyone...

AI-Generated Data Can Poison Future AI Models

As AI-generated content fills the Internet, it’s corrupting the training data fo...

AI news recap: While Hollywood strikes, is ChatGPT gett...

There is anger over a Netflix AI job paying up to $900,000, coming as actors are...

Ancient make-up in Chinese tomb includes concealer and ...

Two cosmetic products have been identified from residues in the tomb of a non-no...

Shirt woven with metal could help medical implants comm...

Transmitting data around the body can be tricky, but a shirt with a metal upgrad...

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