
Alan Turing mathematically predicted the colour of liza...

Alan Turing, the father of modern computer science, once put his mind to the sub...

US telehealth start-ups are booming – they may put pati...

A slew of telehealth startups in the US market themselves as convenient ways to ...

We finally know what makes orange carrots orange

Three genes are turned off to make carrots produce high levels of alpha and beta...

Cannabis use disorder may raise the risk of a heart att...

A study of nearly 60,000 people in Canada found that people with a cannabis use ...

Raisins and nuts dance in fizzy drinks and now we know why

Dropping raisins, nuts or other small objects in a fizzy liquid makes them dance...

Jet fuel made with captured CO2 and clean electricity s...

Several companies are beginning to scale up production of jet fuel made from cap...

Distant galaxies are gobbling up an unexpected amount o...

Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have found that the most distan...

Elusive Australian bat sometimes snacks on other bats

Australia’s greater broad-nosed bat was believed to mostly eat beetles and other...

Thousands of animal and plant species in decline across...

Conservation organisations call for expansion of nature-friendly farming to stem...

Exoskeleton suit boosts your legs to help you run faster

Runners completed a 200-metre sprint nearly 1 second faster when wearing an exos...

Having books in your Zoom background makes you seem mor...

People come across as being more trustworthy and competent on Zoom calls if they...

Ancient baskets and shoes reveal skill of prehistoric w...

Well-preserved artefacts found in a Spanish cave show that advanced plant-based ...

Huge earthquake shook Seattle 1100 years ago and it cou...

Analysis of tree rings shows that two faults near Seattle, Washington ruptured a...

Ancient trilobite stuffed itself with food almost to bu...

A trilobite with gut contents still preserved is the first of its kind ever to b...

Quantum engine could power devices with an ultracold at...

A quantum engine that works by toggling the properties of an ultracold atom clou...

Antimatter definitely doesn't fall up, physicists confirm

In a blow for the hopes of antigravity machines, the first ever test of how anti...

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