
First cargo ship powered by 'green methanol' has begun ...

A container ship on its way from South Korea to Denmark is using methanol fuel t...

Consciousness traced to specific clusters of nerve cell...

Researchers have mapped how clusters of nerve cells in the brain connect to regu...

Blood test could tell if a fever is due to infection or...

Analysis of gene activity in a blood sample can help determine if a fever is cau...

AI chatbots become more sycophantic as they get more ad...

If a person says they believe an objectively false statement, AIs tend to agree ...

Do honeyguides really help honey badgers find bees’ nests?

An African bird called the greater honeyguide is said to lead honey badgers to b...

Making your phone screen blurry could stop people snoop...

Thanks to the way human eyes work, a system that makes your phone screen blurry ...

Extreme fires caused by ancient humans wiped out Califo...

A series of catastrophic fires killed off many large mammals in southern Califor...

Astronomers have found a strange new type of extremely ...

A new type of star may eventually collapse and become a magnetar – a highly magn...

All of Neptune’s clouds have vanished – it may be becau...

Over the past few years, the white clouds that usually shroud Neptune’s surface ...

Black holes may be hurtling around at 10 per cent the s...

When two black holes merge to form a single one, it can zoom off at an extraordi...

Flies riding on a carousel suggest that insects like to...

Fruit flies with access to a spinning carousel seem to ride on it for fun in a r...

Driverless cars may struggle to spot children and dark-...

The accuracy of pedestrian-detecting AI systems may be biased against some group...

Wildfires made worse by plants starting to grow earlier...

Wildfires in the northern hemisphere burn more fiercely when plants start growin...

Negative emotions really do make events seem to last lo...

When people are shown pictures evoking negative emotions, they remember time as ...

Flying bird robot can soar so well it uses almost no power

An autonomous flying robot can float in place like a bird, using its throttle ju...

Morning-after pill is more effective when taken with an...

The emergency contraceptive levonorgestrel is much more effective at preventing ...

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