
NASA has regained contact with Voyager 2 after losing i...

After accidentally turning the Voyager 2 spacecraft away from Earth and losing c...

Lead exposure linked to higher risk of engaging in crim...

Higher exposure to lead in childhood is associated with a greater likelihood of ...

Male moths make their own perfume from flowers to attra...

Tobacco budworm moth males gather a sweet-smelling chemical from flowers and rel...

Earth's early warmth may be explained by methane-making...

A chemical process that produces methane without living organisms could have war...

Is it possible to drill a hole straight through a planet?

Could we bore a hole through the centre of Earth? What would it be like to fling...

Our solar system might be 1.1 million years older than ...

A new analysis of small flecks in meteorites calculates the age of the solar sys...

Essential molecule for life spotted floating in space f...

Carbonic acid, an important component of amino acids, has been seen in a cloud o...

Arctic foxes help create habitats as ‘gardeners’ of the...

Satellite images support the claim that Arctic foxes promote the growth of the l...

Energy-storing concrete could form foundations for sola...

A mixture of cement and fine charcoal can become a supercapacitor that could som...

Nightingales match the pitch of their rivals in singing...

Male nightingales respond to each other’s songs by whistling back at the same pi...

What will the UK push for more North Sea oil and gas re...

The UK’s plan to issue new oil and gas licences will make a minimal impact on No...

Euclid space telescope sends back amazing first images ...

The European Space Agency’s Euclid telescope launched on 1 July, and now it has ...

Wild bees are rapidly shrinking due to global warming

Bees in a well-preserved Spanish wilderness weigh less than they did decades ago...

Swimming behind someone cuts drag by up to 40 per cent

Swimmers in open water races can reduce the amount of drag forces they experienc...

Room-temperature superconductors: Here's everything you...

Truly convenient materials that can conduct electricity perfectly have long been...

Loss of smell may be an early sign of Alzheimer's in at...

People who carry a genetic variant that raises the risk of Alzheimer's disease m...

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