
Neurons that respond to vibration discovered in the cli...

The purpose of Krause corpuscles, sensory structures in the genitals, has long b...

Female frogs may croak to deter males from mating with ...

Some female black-spotted frogs croak when a male approaches, and it’s not a com...

Ape family tree suggests human ancestors weren’t partic...

An evolutionary analysis of behavioural traits across primate species may shed l...

Genetic marker discovered for the severity of multiple ...

Analysis of data from more than 22,000 people with multiple sclerosis helped res...

First cell therapy for type 1 diabetes approved for use...

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a new therapy for type 1 diabet...

Electric flying vehicle gets clearance for flight tests...

Joby Aviation's electric flying vehicle has received regulatory permission to be...

IceCube detector finds neutrinos from the Milky Way for...

A neutrino detector in Antarctica has found heaps of high-energy neutrinos comin...

US is on track to halve emissions by 2035, but this sti...

The most significant US climate funding law ever passed, the Inflation Reduction...

Virgin Galactic space plane makes its first commercial ...

Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic has made its first commercial flight to the ed...

One third of all vertebrate species are exploited by hu...

An analysis reveals that 14,663 species of birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and am...

Giving birth aged 23 to 32 cuts risk of some congenital...

Being younger or older than this range raises the risk of the baby being born wi...

Why you should never ever mention rewilding to a Welsh ...

In the push to give nature and the climate a chance to thrive amid growing agric...

Virgin Galactic space flight live: Watch first commerci...

Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic is aiming to join a small club of companies ca...

The real reason claims about the existential risk of AI...

Claims that superintelligent AI poses a threat to humanity are frightening, but ...

AI recap this month: Drone 'kills' operator; DeepMind's...

Research into AI is experiencing a boom, so we have rounded up the best of news ...

Carbon inequality is rising as rich people are slower t...

Although carbon footprints are falling in many countries, the gap between the ri...

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