
Heart chambers 3D printed from live human cells can bea...

A new technique enables 3D printing of miniature heart chambers called ventricle...

River Thames was pumped full of oxygen in 2022 to preve...

Falling oxygen levels caused by sewage and hot weather saw a specialised boat de...

Endangered butterflies are being sold for high prices o...

More than 50,000 dead butterflies were traded on eBay in a one-year period, incl...

Odd gamma ray burst may be from a smash-up between two ...

Astronomers have found a blast of gamma rays from space that seems to have been ...

Clever design makes sticky tape that's strong but easil...

A ‘shocklingly simple’ design based on kirigami, the Japanese art of paper cutti...

The massive problem of trying to fully explain what mas...

I can take it as a given that people have an intuition for the meaning of mass, ...

Which quantum computer is the most powerful ever? It's ...

IonQ has become the latest company to claim its quantum computer is more powerfu...

Knee brace may help torn anterior cruciate ligaments he...

In a study involving 80 people with ruptured anterior cruciate ligaments, 90 per...

Why medical studies of diverse populations benefit huma...

We in science and medicine aren't immune to the biases that lead to discriminati...

Centre of our galaxy has a 'zone of avoidance' and we d...

The stars that orbit close to the Milky Way's supermassive black hole are alread...

The Milky Way could contain thousands of stars from ano...

We know there are stars moving fast enough to escape the Milky Way, so the same ...

Finger marks on cave walls are among the earliest Neand...

Symbols have been found carved on the walls of a cave in France that was inhabit...

Monarch butterflies' big white spots help them fly better

The big white spots seen on the wings of migratory monarch butterflies may have ...

Hunter-gatherers in Tanzania have incredibly diverse gu...

The huge diversity of the gut microbiome of Hadza hunter-gatherers from Tanzania...

Microsoft says its weird new particle could improve qua...

Researchers at Microsoft say they have created elusive quasiparticles called Maj...

Ultra-fast boxing robots could be used for real-life fi...

Robots that respond to a person's movements in a fraction of a second could be u...

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