
Galaxy cluster smash-up lets us observe dark matter on ...

Astronomers have spotted two colossal clusters of galaxies colliding and shootin...

Quantum dots help destroy ‘forever chemicals’ with light

Shining light through nanocrystals helps break down PFAS without the need for ex...

Glaciers in the Andes are the smallest they’ve been for...

A study of rocks exposed by melting ice shows that Andean glaciers have retreate...

A slight curve helps rocks make the biggest splash

Researchers were surprised to find that a very slightly curved object produces a...

Algae transformed into a 'biofactory' for green fuel an...

A strain of green algae has been artificially evolved to turn carbon dioxide int...

Using an AI chatbot or voice assistant makes it harder ...

Many people enjoy the experience of using AIs like ChatGPT or voice assistants l...

People who had severe covid-19 show cognitive decline y...

An analysis of people who were hospitalised with covid-19 in the first wave of t...

What is 'problematic smartphone use' and should we worr...

Two studies have linked "problematic smartphone use" to higher rates of anxiety,...

Vision loss and high cholesterol recognised as dementia...

Fourteen modifiable risk factors are behind nearly half of all dementia cases wo...

Nerve fibres in the brain could generate quantum entang...

Calculations show that nerve fibres in the brain could emit pairs of entangled p...

Weeding out Olympic doping cheats won't actually end in...

Of course the games should go after those who use performance-enhancing drugs to...

We may have found why people experience body dysmorphic...

People with body dysmorphic disorder seem to have altered activity in a brain pa...

Should we put a frozen backup of Earth's life on the moon?

Permanently shadowed regions on the moon are the perfect spots for preserving de...

We have discovered an entirely new kind of wood

Tulip trees have a structure that is somewhere between hardwood and softwood – c...

The truth about the new class of Alzheimer’s drugs

Three drugs approved for Alzheimer’s disease have been hailed as a breakthrough ...

AI put in charge of setting variable speed limits on US...

Roads with variable speed limits, designed to manage traffic flow, are normally ...

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