
Mysterious rock art in Venezuela hints at little-known ...

Pictograms and petroglyphs depicting abstract lines and shapes offer a rare glim...

Is the world's biggest fusion experiment dead after new...

ITER, a €20 billion nuclear fusion reactor under construction in France, will no...

‘Little red dot’ galaxies are breaking theories of cosm...

The James Webb Space Telescope has spotted hundreds of odd, distant galaxies tha...

Why we should be wary of social media's obsession with ...

Influencers won't stop talking about the health benefits of stimulating the vagu...

Precision ultrasound could treat deep parts of brain wi...

A non-invasive ultrasound device can stimulate deep parts of the brain with far ...

Neanderthal child may have had Down’s syndrome

A fossil bone displaying features consistent with Down’s syndrome belonged to a ...

Winter ‘sauna’ helps endangered frogs fight off fungal ...

Warm retreats made using bricks in greenhouses give frogs a place to keep toasty...

'Bridge editing' could be even better at altering DNA t...

The CRISPR gene-editing technique has revolutionised biology, but now an even mo...

Maxwell’s demon charges quantum batteries inside of a q...

A technique to charge a battery inside a quantum computer relies on sorting qubi...

Could paying people to lose weight help tackle obesity?

Financial incentives have helped people with obesity lose weight in trials, but ...

AI reads brain activity to reveal what part of a movie ...

An artificial intelligence could gauge what characters and locations people were...

$1m prize for AI that can solve puzzles that are simple...

Deducing the correct pattern that links pairs of coloured grids is relatively ea...

AI can turn text into sign language – but it’s often un...

Researchers have developed an AI model that can translate text into sign languag...

Dangerous mpox strain spreading in Democratic Republic ...

A new strain of mpox transmitted mainly by heterosexual sex has emerged in a min...

Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells

A technique for attaching a skin made from living human cells to a robotic frame...

What would happen if Earth was the centre of the solar ...

Geocentrism, the idea that everything in the universe revolves around Earth, has...

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