
Rat neuron injection lets mice that can’t smell sniff o...

Mice that had been genetically modified to lack the ability to smell could sniff...

Modern rose hybrids have a worrying lack of genetic div...

Intensive breeding since the 19th century has created thousands of varieties of ...

Brain activity seems to be more complex in baby girls t...

When fetuses and babies were exposed to sound stimuli, their brains' subsequent ...

India’s healthcare system falls short despite Modi’s im...

More than 1.4 billion people live in India, giving its healthcare system a major...

Can India build a world-leading computer chip industry ...

India currently has a fairly small chip-manufacturing industry, but prime minist...

Culling predatory starfish conserves coral on the Great...

Targeted culling of crown-of-thorns starfish has resulted in parts of the Great ...

Quantum forces used to automatically assemble tiny device

The very weak forces of attraction caused by the Casimir effect can now be used ...

Japan’s SLIM moon lander has shockingly survived a thir...

Almost all moon landers break down during the extraordinary cold of lunar night,...

Let's not trash recycling technologies that could end p...

Some environmental campaigners claim that attempts to create a circular economy ...

Nuclear fusion experiment overcomes two key operating h...

Two important barriers to a stable, powerful fusion reaction have been leapt by ...

Huge genetic study redraws the tree of life for floweri...

Using genomic data from more than 9500 species, biologists have mapped the evolu...

Your diet may influence how effective vaccines are for you

Obese mice that lost weight on a low-fat diet before getting a flu shot had bett...

Huge dinosaur footprints belonged to one of the largest...

A set of large, distinctive footprints suggest a raptor dinosaur that lived in E...

Exquisite fossils of Cretaceous shark solve mystery of ...

Six full-body fossils of Ptychodus sharks have been formally analysed for the fi...

Climate change could make it harder to detect submarines

Climate change’s effects on ocean water temperatures and salinity could shrink s...

Will Amazon's robotic revolution spark a new wave of jo...

Amazon says it will create new jobs to replace roles taken over by machines, but...

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