
1,800-Year-Old Spices Are Earliest Evidence of Curry Ma...

Archaeologists found evidence of spices such as turmeric and cloves from ancient...

How We Can Adapt to Live with Extreme Heat

We can run from hurricanes, hide behind seawalls and buy wildfire insurance. Her...

What Was the Manhattan Project?

The top-secret Manhattan Project resulted in the atomic bombs dropped on the Jap...

Here's What 'Oppenheimer' Gets Right--and Wrong--about ...

Here's what a historian who has studied J. Robert Oppenheimer for two decades ha...

C-section Rates Are Way Too High. We Need to Hold Docto...

Around half a million excess cesarean births occur every year in the U.S., putti...

Oppenheimer Almost Discovered Black Holes Before He Bec...

Before leading the Manhattan Project, J. Robert Oppenheimer co-authored a paper ...

Here's What Physics Tells Us about Barbie's World

Using concepts from theoretical physics and explorations of the multiverse, here...

Earthshine Lights up the 'Dark Side' of the Moon

This week—and any time there’s a new crescent moon—the lunar night is a little l...

Nearby Supernova Gives Unique View of a Dying Star's La...

Astronomers are piecing together the final moments of supernova 2023ixf and lear...

What Life in Barbie's Dazzlingly Pink World Would Do to...

The Barbie movie’s plastic pink world might not be that fantastic in real life

Subtle Movements That Precede Earthquakes Raise Questio...

Researchers have found a subtle signal that occurs two hours before major quakes...

How Biden's Climate Policies Could Still Cut Emissions ...

The president is close to fulfilling his promise to cut carbon pollution in half...

Images in the Mind's Eye Are Quick Sketches That Lack S...

Pictures conjured by the mind’s eye lack detail, despite how vividly you picture...

The Supreme Court Should Back Firearms Restraints That ...

Vast evidence shows firearms restrictions in civil protection orders save lives

JWST Might Have Spotted the First Dark Matter Stars

Stars fueled by the self-annihilation of dark matter might have been spotted for...

What the Film Oppenheimer Probably Will Not Talk About:...

Hundreds of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project were women. They ...

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