
We're Building Things Based on a Climate We No Longer L...

NOAA precipitation estimates that engineers and planners use to design bridges, ...

UFOs Keep Appearing in the News. Here's Why We Can't Qu...

For most of us, aliens are a source of mystery and fun, which keeps them forever...

Cute and Ugly Pygmy Lorises Are Actually Two Different ...

It turns out there are two species of mysterious, venomous pygmy lorises

A 25-Year-Old Bet about Consciousness Has Finally Been ...

A brain scientist and a philosopher have resolved a wager on consciousness that ...

Solar Power Bails Out Texas Grid during Major Heat Wave

Solar power has been crucial to keeping the power on in Texas while the state ex...

Musk and Bezos Offer Humanity a Grim Future in Space Co...

Privately owned space colonies are more likely to be totalitarian nightmares tha...

Modern Hunter-Gatherers Have Thriving Gut Microbiome, C...

A Western lifestyle seems to diminish the diversity of gut microbes

Giant 'Gravity Hole' in the Ocean May Be the Ghost of a...

A vast expanse of the Indian Ocean is a staggering 100 meters lower than the glo...

A Potentially Spectacular Comet Will Fly by Earth Next ...

Professional and amateur astronomers alike are hoping that Comet C/2023 A3 will ...

Poisons and Perils on the Salton Sea

Toxic dust plagues marginalized communities on the shores of this disappearing s...

One Year after Dobbs, Abortion Bans Are Harming Reprodu...

The Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade is impacting health care ...

Is Fukushima Wastewater Release Safe? What the Science ...

Radiation in water from Fukushima will be diluted to almost background levels, b...

5 Takeaways from the Montana Climate Trial as We Await ...

Young Montanans put their state on trial for its contributions to climate change...

These Ants Are Probably Better at Navigating Than You Are

Desert ants living in the featureless salt pans of Tunisia count their steps and...

Cormac McCarthy's Work Is Rooted in Science

Cormac McCarthy’s curiosity about science made him a great writer

Where Are the Worst Bridges in the U.S.?

More than 42,000 highway bridges across the country are in “poor” condition, acc...

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