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ScienceX Information Network (SIN) | ScienceX Innovations

Member since Jun 15, 2023

Fears of record-breaking El Niño event this year raise ...

We don't yet know how strong the developing El Niño climate pattern will be, but...

Earth is coated in ancient space dust that could be fro...

A 33-million-year-old layer of Earth's crust is laced with helium-3, which is no...

Your genes may influence how much fruit, fish or salt y...

Nearly 500 regions of the human genome appear to directly impact your dietary in...

Revealed: The five foods that are key to maintaining go...

Fruits and vegetables contain prebiotics, which act as a food source for gut mic...

Ancient utensils bear traces of 2000-year-old Vietnames...

Remnants of eight spices were found on a sandstone slab from an archaeological s...

1,800-Year-Old Spices Are Earliest Evidence of Curry Ma...

Archaeologists found evidence of spices such as turmeric and cloves from ancient...

What Was the Manhattan Project?

The top-secret Manhattan Project resulted in the atomic bombs dropped on the Jap...

How We Can Adapt to Live with Extreme Heat

We can run from hurricanes, hide behind seawalls and buy wildfire insurance. Her...

El administrador de NASA viajará a Sudamérica, hablará ...

Como parte de una serie de reuniones con destacados funcionarios gubernamentales...

NASA Administrator to Head to South America; Discuss Sp...

As part of a series of meetings with key government officials, NASA Administrato...

Here's What 'Oppenheimer' Gets Right--and Wrong--about ...

Here's what a historian who has studied J. Robert Oppenheimer for two decades ha...

NASA probably discovered quakes on Mars in the 1970s

The Viking 1 and 2 Mars probes looked for evidence of quakes on Mars, but failed...

Louisiana Students to Hear from NASA Astronauts Aboard ...

As part of the state’s first Earth-to-space call, students from Louisiana will h...

Here's What Physics Tells Us about Barbie's World

Using concepts from theoretical physics and explorations of the multiverse, here...

Oppenheimer Almost Discovered Black Holes Before He Bec...

Before leading the Manhattan Project, J. Robert Oppenheimer co-authored a paper ...

C-section Rates Are Way Too High. We Need to Hold Docto...

Around half a million excess cesarean births occur every year in the U.S., putti...

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