
A site used by ancient humans was also a latrine for gi...

Stone tools, mammal bones and fossilised faeces hint that hominins and hyenas sc...

What ancient Earth tells us about surviving the climate...

Climate scientist and author Michael Mann explains why it’s not too late to prev...

Student uses AI to decipher word in ancient scroll from...

A computer science student has discovered the first decipherable word in unopene...

Dusting and vacuuming reduce wildfire air pollution ins...

Pollutants from wildfire smoke can remain inside homes for weeks, but vacuuming,...

Win $12k by rediscovering the secret phrases that secur...

Five secret phrases used to create the encryption algorithms that secure everyth...

Furry-clawed Chinese mitten crabs are spreading across ...

Numbers of invasive Chinese mitten crabs are believed to be growing in the UK, c...

Ukrainian AI attack drones may be killing without human...

Ukraine is using drones equipped with artificial intelligence that can identify ...

Israel's demand for Gaza evacuation will lead to deaths...

As part of its ongoing conflict with Hamas, Israel has issued a warning for 1.1 ...

Win $13k by rediscovering the secret phrases that secur...

Five secret phrases used to create the encryption algorithms that secure everyth...

AI is helping mathematicians build a periodic table of ...

Atomic shapes are so simple that they can't be broken down any further. Mathemat...

We now have the most detailed description of the human ...

The tool, which charts the distribution of over a hundred different brain areas ...

Early humans lived in Ethiopian highlands 2 million yea...

A child’s jawbone found in Ethiopia is one of the earliest fossils identified as...

Neanderthals hunted cave lions with spears and made use...

Fossilised remains of extinct big cats called cave lions display evidence of but...

We could make roads on the moon by melting lunar dust

Lunar dust can be melted with a laser to make a strong, glassy material – and a ...

Simple blood test tweak could make intensive care treat...

Taking less blood for intensive care tests reduces the risk of transfusions, whi...

Energy-efficient transistor could allow smartwatches to...

A prototype transistor built from molybdenum disulphide and carbon nanotubes rat...

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