
Toughest known structure discovered by autonomous robot...

A robotic laboratory that can run 50 experiments a day without human supervision...

India's Chandrayaan-3 moon rover swerves to avoid crater

The six-wheeled Pragyan rover had to change course to avoid a 4-metre-wide crate...

Massive crater found on distant world far beyond Neptune

An object in the Kuiper belt named 2002 MS4 has a depression 45 kilometres deep ...

Why is it so difficult to make an effective vaccine aga...

The dengue virus has four subtypes, which each circulate at different levels in ...

Physicists create bizarre quantum Alice rings for the f...

Researchers manipulated thousands of extremely cold atoms to make a ring-like de...

Ancient humans may have worn shoes more than 100,000 ye...

Three archaeological sites in South Africa feature impressions that might have b...

Nearly every kakapo's genome has been sequenced to help...

Genomic information for almost all of the 250 kakapos in New Zealand will help d...

Your height may influence the diversity of your gut mic...

Taller people may have longer gastrointestinal tracts that can house a broader a...

Maxwell's demon imagined by physicists really exists in...

Proteins in the cell membranes of most organisms act like the hypothetical “demo...

JWST may have seen black holes suppressing the creation...

The supermassive black holes at the centre of many galaxies were suspected to qu...

Appetite for mind-altering substances is booming among ...

Rates of cannabis and psychedelic use among adults in the US reached record high...

Invasive blue crabs are poised to devastate the global ...

The predatory Atlantic blue crab has invaded Italian waters and is killing off y...

Virus ‘nanobots’ can make harmful bacteria in food and ...

It can be time consuming to test food and drink for potentially harmful bacteria...

India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission starts exploring the moon...

After the Chandrayaan-3 mission’s historic landing on the moon, the Indian Space...

Sled dogs are making Svalbard greener with their poo

Satellite images show an increase in greenery at dog sledding locations in the A...

Our genes shape our education level more than our upbri...

Previous studies have overestimated the impact of early environment on how long ...

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